7 Tips to Help Your Customers Treat Overeating

What is the most common reason for gaining weight? Mainly because we always eat too much, and we usually feel guilty after eating. For example: When I was lying on the sofa watching a TV series, I ate a pack of biscuits without knowing it. After eating, I was still not satisfied, so I tore open another pack.

If it’s not boring or over-indulgent, why do we always want some snacks after a full meal? Some people may blame this on habit, but there are other factors that affect your hunger signals. If you have a habit of not being able to stop eating when you are full, SQ will tell you some of the traps that make you overeat, as well as simple techniques to overcome them.

1. You don’t get enough sleep

Lack of sleep makes the body feel a lack of energy, which will give you some false hunger signals. On the one hand, the body's natural reaction is to supplement the body with some nutrients; on the other hand, it is the disorder in the secretion of hormones that control appetite.

When sleep is deprived, levels of leptin (a hormone produced by fat cells that affects our appetite) decrease and levels of gherlin (a hormone produced by the stomach that stimulates our appetite) increase. high. Both of these hormones increase your appetite. If you're too busy at work and don't get enough sleep, make sure you include fresh fruit, complex carbohydrates, and lean protein in your diet throughout the day to ensure your body gets comprehensive nutrition and feel fuller.

2. You are thirsty or dehydrated

How people feel after dehydration (lack of sleep, lack of body energy) is similar toThere is something similar to the feeling of being hungry, which makes you feel like eating to increase your energy levels.

When you feel thirsty, your mouth becomes dry. When you eat something, saliva secretion increases, and the symptoms of dry mouth are immediately relieved. When you want to eat, drink a glass of boiled water and wait for about 10 minutes to see if you are really hungry. Try this every time you are hungry and you will be able to consume fewer calories.

3. It’s “meal time”

We are creatures of habit, and we tend to eat at fixed points. Sometimes, when it's time to eat, even though we don't feel very hungry, we still want to eat something. So listen carefully to the hunger signals sent by your body. When you sit down to eat, ask yourself, am I really hungry? If the answer is, not hungry. Eat a small portion or wait an hour before starting your main meal.

4. You just finished exercising

We are always accustomed to eating something after exercising. After taking a spinning or indoor aerobics class, we usually feel very hungry. However, that doesn't mean your body needs extra calories. That hunger means that your body needs a specific nutrient.

Make sure you eat lean protein like chicken breast (protein strengthens your muscles) and whole grains or other types of whole grains (complex carbohydrates take longer to digest) before exercising. Food can help your body regain energy faster or feel fuller longer.

5. The woman sitting next to you is eating

Women tend to imitate the eating behaviors of other women. When one of them eats too much,Women who ate with her also tended to overeat. To avoid copycat behavior like this, take a few minutes to simply evaluate your eating habits.

If you find that you really can’t help but choose a good eating environment like everyone else. For a longer-term solution, set yourself up to be a healthy role model for other little sisters. They'll thank you for helping them stay in shape. Just like obesity is contagious, so are healthy habits.

6. You smell or see food

When we see delicious food in photos or TV commercials, our stomachs will growl unconsciously and our appetite will begin to increase. Maybe you smell the aroma of a cake being baked, or see some snacks on the cabinet, or happen to watch a food show.

If you can't resist these temptations, the solution is to be out of sight and keep your mind pure. Leave this room full of food temptations, hide the candy jar, and turn off the TV showing food programs, and you may not want to eat so much.

7. You are about to collapse due to too much pressure

When people think they are stressed out, they turn to foods high in fat, salt, or sugar. Eating these foods in your mouth relaxes your sense of taste and emotions to a certain extent. But it’s not exactly emotional eating.

Your body's chemical response to excessive stress may cause hunger pangs. Increased levels of the stress hormones cortisol and insulin may increase your appetite. How to control appetite? Just make the right decision. When you're craving ice cream, try clearing your mind and doing some simple stretches to relieve stress.